Introductory Technical Mathematics

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Author: John C. Peterson; Robert D. Smith
Edition: 005
Product Type: Bound Book
ISBN 13: 9781418015435
ISBN 10: 1418015431
Copyright: 2007

Price: $229.95

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Introductory Technical Mathematics, 5th Edition provides current and practical vocational and technical math applications for today's sophisticated trade and technical work environments. Each unit delivers practical math concepts alongside step-by-step examples and problems drawn from various occupations. The plentiful examples and problem sets emphasize on-the-job applications of math.

Enhancements to the fifth edition include improved algebra coverage, a new section on basic statistics, new material on conversions from metric to customary systems of measure, and a section that supplements the basics of working with spreadsheets for graphing.


  • A new section on basic statistics features an all-new chapter on statistics and a chapter that consolidates all the statistical graphing techniques of bar, line, and circle graphs into one location
  • Clear explanations with easy-to-follow procedural steps for solving examples
  • A straightforward writing style that begins with the simple concepts, enabling readers to work up to solving even the most complex problems
  • Illustrations accompany many of the problems and are modeled after those found in technical manuals and handbooks, emphasizing the relevancy of mathematics concepts on the job

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