Technical Mathematics

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Author: John C. Peterson
Edition: 003
Product Type: Bound Book
ISBN 13: 9780766861886
ISBN 10: 0766861880
Copyright: 2004

Price: $249.95

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Students preparing for technical, engineering technology, or scientific careers will benefit from the major projects and integrated use of calculators in this 3rd edition that allow them to solve problems in much the same manner as they will on the job! Thorough coverage of precalculus topics ranging from algebra and geometry to trigonometry and analytic geometry place an emphasis on how these topics are used in specific occupations. Written in an easy-to-understand manner, this comprehensive book provides numerous application-oriented exercises and examples that will help students learn to use mathematics and technology in situations related to their future work. A companion web page has additional material for both faculty and students.


  • eight projects are interspersed throughout and integrate topics from various chapters, giving opportunities for students to get involved in comprehensive group work ? not currently offered in any other technical mathematics book
  • integrated calculator usage and all related discussions are up to date to reflect changes in calculator technology, with new calculator screen captures providing visuals for further clarification
  • an early section on area and volume of irregular shapes and a chapter on informal calculus provide an introduction that encourages readers to understand the use of calculus before they formally learn the material
  • more than 850 examples and 6,000 exercises -- many of which are application-oriented -- provide opportunities for solving problems and practicing what has been learned, while allowing the use of mathematics in situations like those to be encountered on the job
  • earlier introductions to the topics of right triangle trigonometry and statistics in this edition allow these concepts to become a more integral part of the material presented
  • the companion web page contains additional projects, sample tests, student solutions, directions for using spreadsheets and different models of calculators, and PowerPoint? materials
  • the accompanying e.resource includes the complete solutions manual, a computerized test bank, Excel files for the tables in the projects, and an image library
  • an Instructor?s Solutions Manual provides fully worked solutions to every text problem

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