Technical Support
Please provide the following information including how Delmar Cengage Learning may
contact you, the product you are using, the difficulty you are experiencing, and the
system you are using.
Please note our Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. ET
*Required Fields |
Please provide your contact information.
*Email address:
Email address is required.
Please enter a valid email address.
Phone Number is Required
*First Name:
First Name is Required.
*Last Name:
Last Name is Required
Customer description:
*School/College or Business:
School/College or Program is Required
Address: |
City: |
State/Province: |
Zip Code:
*Please provide us with some information about the product
you are using.
Product: |
*Product Type:
*Product Name:
Product Name is Required
Note: the ISBN number is located on the back cover of the text or packaging by the
bar code.
ISBN is Required
Please provide the following information about the difficulty you have experienced.
The error message you recieved:
Please give a brief description of the problem:
At what point does this occur? Indicate the previous screen, and the screen where
this happens:
Is this when you are:
Please provide any additional information that may be useful to us in resolving this
We will need information about your system.
Operating System:
Network System:
To what drive is this program installed: