Our Mission

Delmar Cengage Learning�s mission is to be the leading provider of skills-based learning solutions and services for educational institutions, businesses, and professionals in the career education, health care, and trades and technology markets. We strive to be a vertically integrated, multi-channel, lifelong learning solutions provider.

Vertical Integration

Delmar Cengage Learning created strategic business units for its specific target markets. Each business unit is made up of editorial, production, and marketing staff. This integrated approach allows us to better target professional and educational sales opportunities, provides for rapid
growth, and allows for future acquisitions to be more easily integrated and expanded more quickly.

Multi-Channel Growth

We focus on multi-channel growth and look to deliver lifelong learning products and services to customers at all stages of their careers. We help our customers as they manage the learning process toward their desired goals-from high school
through career school, community college or university, professional certification, and continuing education.

Strategic Objectives

Maintain and grow education market share-We pride ourselves on working closely with our educational customers and authors to ensure that we�re developing products and services that meet and exceed the needs of today�s students and instructors. We strive to be first or second in market share for the particular disciplines we cover.

Drive growth in professional markets-We aspire to offer customers solutions at all stages of their careers and the professional markets represent growing opportunities for our business. We have dedicated product and business development staff, as well as sales and marketing employees, who are focused on creating and delivering products and services that help professionals learn new skills, study for professional certification exams, and
obtain continuing education credits.

Selective partnerships, alliances, and acquisitions- A key building block of our success is our ability to seek out, grow, and build new alliances, partnerships, and tactical fold-in acquisitions. These activities are not only a source of incremental revenue, they have also led to new customer acquisition, new channel creation, and alternative product development.Some of our notable acquisitions include Bergwall Products, Chilton, NetLearning, OnWord Press, and
Singular Publishing Group. Organizational effectiveness-Through management development and coaching programs, in-class and online training opportunities, communication
tools and surveys, and cross-functional problem solving
teams, we are constantly working to ensure that our organization is running efficiently and effectively.

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