
Receive nursing training books and software products designed for instructors, professionals and students with innovative titles including: nursing fundamentals, community health nursing, psychiatric mental health for nurses, LPN/LVN, NCLEX Test Preparation, pharmacology, medical/surgical Nursing and health services administration.

In addition, Delmar Cengage Learning is pleased to be the distributor of Coastal Health Train's ambulatory care, behavioral healthcare, home health, hospitals/general healthcare, and long term care videos.

To get started, explore our Nursing Training Specializations below or to the left to find textbooks, laboratory manuals, software and online companions or contact us with any questions or comments.

Nursing Specializations


Students, Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN’s) or Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN’s) can find solutions on basic nursing skills, dosage calculation, pharmacology, NCLEX exam prep, reference handbooks and more in the LPN/LVN section.


The RN section provides registered nurses solutions on the management and administration of nursing care, continuing education titles as well as care plans and technical titles such as patient assessment.

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