Career College Resources

Anywhere You Learn
Find a complete range of customizable learning solutions whenever and wherever independent adult students learn. Whether you are looking for on-ground, online, or blended solutions, can help. Our best in class content combined with our unrivaled experience and proven results make us the ideal partner to help your career college meet its goals.

We've designed this website to keep you up-to-date on our latest learning solutions. Take a look around. You'll find detailed information about our vast array of educational resources and special offers to try our most innovative products.Come back often to learn more and enjoy online presentations about learning solutions that work today and tomorrow.

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Educational Resources

CourseForward - CourseForward lets instructors spend less time planning and more time teaching.

Faculty Development - Faculty Development helps good instructors become great instructors and great instructors become master instructors.

Custom - The process is simple.  The options are many.  Create the custom textbook and learning solutions that fit your curriculum needs.

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Thomas Riendeau
Career College Channel Manager

Phone: 800-998-7498 ext. 2376