Medical Terminology for Health Professions (Hardcover)

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Author: Ann Ehrlich; Carol L. Schroeder; Laura Ehrlich; Katrina A. Schroeder
Edition: 008
Product Type: Bound Book
ISBN 13: 9781337119474
ISBN 10: 1337119474
Copyright: 2017

Price: $133.95

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MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONS, 8E simplifies the process of memorizing complex medical terminology by focusing on the important word parts—common prefixes, suffixes and root words—that provide a foundation for learning hundreds of medical terms. Organized by body systems, chapters follow a logical flow of information: an overview of the body system's structure and functions, a summary of applicable medical specialties, and ultimately pathology, diagnostic, and treatment procedures. An expanded section on complementary and alternative therapies reflects the changing role of holistic health care. A convenient table of abbreviations is included at the end of every chapter, while resourceful appendices offer a listing of abbreviations, a table of word parts and their meanings, and a glossary of pathology and procedures.


  • Offering unique coverage of an increasingly important topic, the Eighth Edition includes an expanded section on complementary and alternative therapies that reflects the changing role of holistic health care in medical practice.
  • Completely current, engaging artwork continues to feature multi-cultural and multi-generational photos.
  • Thoroughly revised, the Eighth Edition brings all terms, definitions, procedures, illustrations, and data up to date—reflecting feedback from instructors using the text as well as the authors' own research.
  • Two new authors bring additional expertise to the project. Laura Ehrlich, a Registered Nurse in the emergency department at Kaiser's South San Francisco Medical Center, excels at explaining medical terminology to patients and training nurses on new procedures and technology. Katrina Schroeder, a Registered Dietitian, works at Boston Children's Hospital, writes guides and blogs for the Center for Young Women's Health, and runs a small private practice in Brookline, Mass.
  • In response to reviewer requests, the Eighth Edition also includes expanded coverage of dental terms.
  • The proven combination of learning exercises that follows each chapter's text is designed to make teaching medical terminology easy by thoroughly engaging learners with a variety of formats, real-life medical scenarios, and critical thinking exercises.
  • Text exercises emphasize writing out the correct answers, which reinforces students' spelling skills as well as their understanding of the material.
  • A convenient table of abbreviations is included at the end of every chapter, while resourceful appendices include a listing of abbreviations, a table of word parts and their meanings, and a glossary of pathology and procedures.
  • Equipping students with additional study tools, Removable Flashcards test memory and increase knowledge.
  • The Comprehensive Medical Terminology Review includes study tips, practice exercises, and a simulated final test to help learners prepare for the final examination.
  • An ideal solution for shorter courses, ESL learners, and high school courses, a Simplified Syllabus enables instructors to focus exercises, quizzes, and tests on the 60 terms in each chapter's vocabulary list.
  • Extensive support materials are available online for experienced and novice instructors alike.

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