Hillcrest Medical Center, Beginning Medical Transcription

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Author: Patricia A. Ireland; Carrie Stein
Edition: 007
Product Type: Book w/Multimedia (CD, DVD or Electronic)
ISBN 13: 9781435441156
ISBN 10: 143544115X
Copyright: 2011

Price: $276.95

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HILLCREST MEDICAL CENTER: BEGINNING MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION, 7th Ed. creates a simulation approach to medical transcription that will give readers a working knowledge of the medical reports most commonly used in both inpatient and outpatient care settings. Readers will transcribe over 100 real medical reports including 10 comprehensive inpatient case studies and 25 outpatient clinic records. HILLCREST MEDICAL CENTER BEGINNING MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION, 7th Ed. is organized by body system and includes full color anatomy & physiology illustrations and coverage of medical terminology. In addition, HILLCREST MEDICAL CENTER BEGINNING MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION, 7th Ed. provides a review of proper formatting, grammar, and style in accordance with the AHDI's Book of Style. Transcribed reports include: history and physical examinations; consults; operative, pathology, and radiology reports; SOAP notes; and death and discharge summaries.


  • Includes over 50 new medical reports that reflect up-to-date medical procedures to facilitate a realistic transcribing experience.
  • Features physician dictations that include a variety of accents, background locations, speeds, and difficulty levels in order to provide a challenging experience for any level of beginning student.
  • Provides content related to the Registered Medical Transcriptionist (RMT) exam, electronic health records (EHRs), and voice recognition technology (VRT) to keep students up-to-date on the latest advances in the field.
  • Adds "Common Dictation Errors" as a learning tool to teach students exactly what a dictated error is, how each error can be classified, how to edit them and when not to.
  • Provides 20 skill-building dictations that you can assign to measure how well a student performs in a work-like setting without the benefit of patient scenarios and audio glossaries.
  • Offers robust instructor resources, including all over 100 report transcripts in electronic format, quizzes that you can customize, online course management, and slides to facilitate instruction, that allow you to teach in any setting, whether in-class or via distance learning.
  • Provides all audio transcription exercises in mp3 format to facilitate use in virtually any medium, including transcription software and portable mp3 devices.
  • Allows a student to follow 10 patients through the continuum of care, an approach that simulates working as a professional transcriptionist.
  • Provides a review of medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, and the basics of medical transcription all in one resource to maximize your students' preparedness for the profession.
  • Offers you flexibility in assigning audio transcription. Start at any point in the text-workbook and use the comprehensive track listing to customize your course to meet your students' needs

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