Medical Terminology, A Programmed Systems Approach

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Author: Jean Tannis Dennerll; Phyllis E. Davis
Edition: 010
Product Type: Book w/Multimedia (CD, DVD or Electronic)
ISBN 13: 9781435438897
ISBN 10: 1435438892
Copyright: 2010

Price: $181.95

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  • Fully updated to ensure content is thorough, accurate, and reflective of current industry standards.
  • Provides hands-on practice opportunities with all-new Case Study Investigations (CSI), which feature excerpts from actual medical records and a vocabulary challenge.
  • Engages students in the learning process with the brand-new StudyWARE™ Connection CD-ROM that provides practice quizzes, animations, image labeling and other interactive games.
  • Offers practical, handy tools to test student retention and increase knowledge, like the new removable Flashcards.
  • Enhances user experience by now offering podcasts for online downloads, complete with the most challenging terms and illustrations where possible.
  • Reinforces the learning process with the word-building system approach - highlighting word roots and combining forms in bold, and prefixes and suffixes in two different colors.
  • The book transcends simple memorization with audio CDs that provide students with pronunciation practice of the terms.
  • Supplements book's content with the also available Web Tutor Advantage, which provides opportunities for testing on WebCT or Blackboard platforms.
  • The "Professional Profiles" feature describes the function and credentials of various allied health professions and provide information about possible career paths.
  • Improves retention and makes learning fun with "Interesting Facts" that offer additional information, spelling tips and tricks, and dictionary exercises.

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