Modern Hydronic Heating, For Residential and Light Commercial Buildings

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Author: John Siegenthaler
Edition: 002
Product Type: Book w/Multimedia (CD, DVD or Electronic)
ISBN 13: 9780766816374
ISBN 10: 0766816370
Copyright: 2004

Price: $184.95

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From simple applications to multi-load/multi-temperature systems, you can now learn how to use the newest and most sophisticated hydronic heating materials and methods without compromising between comfort and energy. Heavily illustrated with product shots from top manufacturers, plus more than 300 diagrams of system piping/control schematics, this one-of-a-kind introduction to today's hydronic heating systems concentrates engineering-level design information into tools that can be used by technical students and professional contractors alike. Thoroughly updated, Modern Hydronic Heating, 2nd Edition now features the latest information on state-of-the-art techniques for use in residential and light commercial buildings, such as: radiant panel heating, injection mixing, primary and secondary piping, use of buffer tanks to improve system stability, and advanced control methods. Ideal for anyone involved in the heating trades, from basic installers to design engineers, this preeminent resource of the North American hydronic heating industry is as well suited for use in a formal education course or for self-study as it is on the job.


  • detailed and generic piping and electrical schematics offer access to the layout of nearly any piping and control system used in modern hydronic heating, assisting readers in design and installation
  • use of analytical design tools teaches readers how to assess the thermal and hydraulic performance of proposed systems before they are installed, avoiding potentially costly problems
  • examples are based on practical, real-world design situations and include references to previously presented formulas and data, allowing readers to "see" how they are used in the trade
  • a complete list of all variables is presented whenever a formula is introduced, eliminating the need to flip back-and-forth between appendices to "figure out" parameters or units of expression
  • complete coverage includes the very latest in hardware as well as design concepts and design procedures, making it one of the heating profession's leading references
  • standard English measurement units are used exclusively, guaranteeing consistency with today's hydronics industry practices while eliminating confusion caused by cursory discussion of Metric units
  • a Windows-based CD-ROM enables readers to use powerful engineering algorithms to simulate hydronic heating system performance and evaluate "what if" design situations, regardless of their math backgrounds

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