MindTap Medical Terminology with Selections from Ehrlich/Schroeder's Medical Terminology for Health Profession

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Author: Ann Ehrlich; Carol L. Schroeder
Edition: 006
Product Type: Multimedia Bundle
ISBN 13: 9781133999409
ISBN 10: 1133999409
Copyright: 2013

Price: $88.00

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MindTap from Cengage Learning represents a new approach to a highly personalized, online learning platform. A fully online learning solution, MindTap combines all of a students learning tools - readings, multimedia, activities and assessments into a singular Learning Path that guides the student through the curriculum. Instructors personalize the experience by customizing the presentation of these learning tools to their students; even seamlessly introducing their own content into the Learning Path via "apps" that integrate into the MindTap platform. Additionally, MindTap provides interoperability with major Learning Management Systems (LMS) via support for open industry standards and fosters partnerships with 3rd party educational application providers to provide a highly collaborative, engaging and personalized learning experience. Learn more at www.cengage.com/mindtap.


  • MindTap™ Medical Terminology is easy to use and saves instructors time by allowing them to:
  • Seamlessly delivery appropriate content and technology assets from a number of providers to students, as they need them.
  • Break course content down into movable objects to promote personalization, encourage interactivity and ensure student engagement.
  • Customize the course – from tools to text – and make adjustments 'on the fly,' making it possible to intertwine breaking news into their lessons and incorporate today's teachable moments.
  • Bring interactivity into learning through the integration of multimedia assets (apps from Cengage Learning and other providers), numerous in-context exercises and supplements; student engagement will increase leading to better student outcomes.
  • Track students' use, activities and comprehension in real-time, which provides opportunities for early intervention to influence progress and outcomes. Grades are visible and archived so students and instructors always have access to current standings in the class.
  • Assess knowledge throughout each section: after readings, in activities, homework, and quizzes
  • Automatically grade of all homework and quizzes

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