How To Get a Job in Health Care (Book Only)

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Author: Robert H Zedlitz
Edition: 002
Product Type: Bound Book
ISBN 13: 9781111640101
ISBN 10: 1111640106
Copyright: 2013

Price: $124.95

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  • Updated Reference Materials: New and updated examples of employment documents, including four resume styles, two employment applications, and letters covering several situations including resume cover letters and thank you notes, help readers construct their own versions for use before and after landing a job!
  • Interactive Software: Newly expanded, the StudyWARE software contains a Resume Generator, sample and supporting documents related to all aspects of job searches, photo galleries, video clips demonstrating what to do/what not to do in obtaining a job, and assessment quizzes to help reiterate key points from every step in the book.
  • How to Start and Keep a Job: A new step and activity focus on how to start a health care job and be successful in a new career.
  • Current Online Research: Readers will increase their interview success with the latest online resources, including proven websites for health care jobs, instructions for O*Net OnLine, and pre-interview research strategies that work.
  • New Full Color Art and Design: Over 40 full color photographs provide examples of appropriate dress and professional etiquette. A new full color design enhances the pedgagogy of the text to make information readable and approachable for today's tech-savvy student. Perforated activity pages allow students to complete exercises in class and take them with them for reference.
  • Helpful Resume Generator: The accompanying Health care Resume Generator software gives readers the leg up they need to produce professional-looking resumes and letters with ease.
  • Unique Techniques: Readers set themselves apart from the masses with stellar advice about professional business cards, positive thank-you notes, and an emphatic 30-second pitch.
  • Graceful Exits: Readers will leave jobs maturely and on good terms with the book's guidance on employment references, resignation letters, and exit interviews.
  • Career Advancement Advice: HOW TO GET A JOB IN HEALTH CARE, 2nd Edition delivers helpful how-to's for starting a new job, acing a performance review, and moving ahead with your employer, as well as advice about positive personal qualities and how to use them on the job.
  • Streamlined Instructor Prep: The Instructor Resources include an Instructor's Manual that offers suggestions for incorporating material into an established curriculum and includes ready-to-use visual aids and instructor slides for class lectures.

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