Medical Terminology for Health Professions (Book Only)

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Author: Ann Ehrlich; Carol L. Schroeder
Edition: 007
Product Type: Bound Book
ISBN 13: 9781133716662
ISBN 10: 1133716660
Copyright: 2013

Price: $124.95

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This version does not include the free StudyWARE CD-ROM.


  • A new section on complimentary and alternative therapies reflects the changing role of holistic health care in our society.
  • Real-Life Records: Inspired by instructor feedback, new SOAP notes have been added to each chapter, along with a list of appropriate questions for instructor use.
  • Convenient References: In addition to the Word Parts and Abbreviations appendices, the Glossary of Pathology and Procedures has been reinstated to the 7th Edition, while a new online Spanish-English glossary supports the text's multicultural perspectives.
  • Realistic New Artwork: More than 200 new pieces of print art and Illustrations reflect the latest terms and procedures, including new multi-cultural and multi-generational photos, for an accurate portrayal of today's medical world.
  • Compatible Software: The accompanying StudyWare™ CD-Rom, complete with professionally recorded vocabulary lists and definitions, is now both PC and Mac compatible,and available online--making access to this indispensible tool easy and hassle-free!
  • Updated Terms: extensively revised to bring all terms, definitions, procedures, illustrations, and data current, while a new section on Alternative Therapies helps readers understand the changing role of holistic healthcare in society.
  • Accompanying StudyWARETM CD-ROM offers additional practice through interactive quizzes and fun activities such as Spelling Bee that correlate with each chapter in the book. Also available online.
  • Removable Flashcards test memory and increase knowledge.
  • The Comprehensive Medical Terminology Review includes study tipspracticeexercises and a simulated final test to help learners prepare for the final examination.
  • Additional tools included to support instructors teaching a simplified syllabus.

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