Workbook for Jones' Comprehensive Medical Terminology

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Author: Betty Davis Jones
Edition: 004
Product Type: Bound Book
ISBN 13: 9781435439887
ISBN 10: 1435439880
Copyright: 2011

Price: $48.95

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This workbook is designed as a tool to help you learn. It is intended to accompany Comprehensive Medical Terminology, Fourth Edition by Betty Davis Jones. A variety of exercises are included to help you master key concepts in each chapter of the text. The labeling exercises and several other exercises involve written answers. Writing out the answers helps you absorb more information and boosts your learning.
Review Checkpoint feature in the text correlates to exercises in the workbook for reviewing and learning manageable sections of material.
Extensive exercises for each chapter include labeling, build-a-word, find the term, completion, word elements and common abbreviation matching, spelling, What is This? scenarios, and Putting It All Together.
Build-a-Word and Word Elements exercises reinforce medical terms and their word parts.
Labeling Exercises help you learn the major structures in each body system.

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