Critical Thinking Challenge 2.0

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Author: Wilburta (Billie) Q. Lindh; Marilyn Pooler; Carol D. Tamparo; Barbara M. Dahl
Edition: 004
Product Type: CD ROM
ISBN 13: 9781435419285
ISBN 10: 1435419286
Copyright: 2010

Price: $152.95

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The Critical Thinking Challenge simulates a three-month externship in a medical office. During your externship, you will be confronted with a series of situations in which you will need to use your critical thinking skills to choose the most appropriate action in response to each situation. Your decisions will be evaluated in three categories- how your decisions affect the practice, the patient, and your career. Your goal is to be hired by the office as a full-time medical assistant. Version 2.0 presents all scenarios using video, and features more variety and branching options, so you can have different experiences each time you go through the program.

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