Working Safely in Health Care, A Practical Guide

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Author: Deborah Fell-Carlson
Edition: 001
Product Type: Bound Book
ISBN 13: 9781418006235
ISBN 10: 1418006238
Copyright: 2008

Price: $124.95

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Finally, a comprehensive resource on workplace safety designed with the health care worker in mind! This book will show you how to protect yourself and others from injury while on the job. You will be introduced to stresses and hazards unique to the health care environment, and provided with practical steps you can take to make work safer for you. If you know how to make work safer for yourself, you will be better equipped to provide a safe care environment for your clients.


  • The latest information on emerging best practices in the health care workplace
  • Practical solutions for the most common health care hazards, including new methods for safe client handling and movement, infectious disease prevention, and working safely with hazardous substances
  • Situational Snapshots and Case Scenarios help you evaluate and anticipate potential safety hazards within the context of real-life circumstances
  • Stop and Think feature encourages critical thinking
  • Includes tips and strategies for managing the stress of shift-work, workplace violence, the caregiver role in emergency management and other emotional challenges related to client care
  • Information on how to select a safe employer, how to improve safety in your current work environment, and how to stay current on safety developments

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