Delmar's Case Study Series, Medical-Surgical Nursing

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Author: Gina M. Ankner
Edition: 001
Product Type: Bound Book
ISBN 13: 9781418040871
ISBN 10: 1418040878
Copyright: 2008

Price: $49.95

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Bridge the gap between content knowledge and clinical application with Delmar's Case Study Series in Medical-Surgical Nursing, a collection of twenty unique and provocative real-life scenarios. Each case includes an introductory "blueprint" of variables to consider for each scenario, such as age, gender, culture of the client, pre-existing conditions, legal issues, or communication skills. Each blueprint and case is different, just as each clinical situation is unique. By simulating the actual decision-making process, learners gain a comfort level to make informed clinical judgments that will help them become successful nurses. Quite simply, Delmar's Case Study Series shortens the distance between theory and nursing practice like no other tool. Delmar is a part of Cengage Learning.


  • Twenty case studies cover a wide range of topics in medical-surgical nursing
  • Cases are organized by body system
  • Each case contains in-depth "answers" for self-assessment
  • Each practical scenario progresses by difficulty level, which are identified at the top of the page
  • Authored by nurses with clinical experience, the subject matter is relevant to challenges and pressures specific to modern nursing practice

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