Delmar's Administrative Medical Assisting

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Author: Wilburta (Billie) Q. Lindh; Marilyn S. Pooler; Carol D. Tamparo; Barbara M. Dahl
Edition: 003
Product Type: Book w/Multimedia (CD, DVD or Electronic)
ISBN 13: 9781401881351
ISBN 10: 1401881351
Copyright: 2006

Price: $109.95

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Delmar's Administrative Medical Assisting, Third Edition is part of a dynamic learning system that includes a textbook, workbook, interactive CD-ROM, and instructor support materials. The new edition maps to the latest CAAHEP Standards and Guidelines for Medical Assisting Educational programs and the ABHES Program Requirements and Curriculum. Delmar is a part of Cengage Learning.

This edition provides more opportunity for critical thinking through case studies, critical thinking questions, scenarios, and features tying to both of Delmar's Medical Assisting DVD series. The book also emphasizes softer skills such as professionalism and practical skills, including how to comply with HIPAA regulations and handle privacy issues on the job.


  • A fresh look at financial procedures, underscoring computerized financial management
  • Fully revised chapter on Telecommunications
  • Over 20 new procedures which include rationales for each procedural step
  • Critical Thinking question boxes interspersed within each chapter.
  • Spotlight on Certification feature highlights CMA, RMA and CMAS certification information, and is reflective of the revised 2005 CMA certification exam outline
  • New Critical Thinking Challenge software focuses on critical thinking while dealing with on-the-job realities. It measures success and outcomes through the effects on the patient, the practice, and one?s career

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