Grammar and Writing Skills for the Health Professional

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Author: Lorraine Villemaire; Doreen Villemaire Oberg
Edition: 002
Product Type: Bound Book
ISBN 13: 9781401873745
ISBN 10: 140187374X
Copyright: 2006

Price: $149.95

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The rules and standards of The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) make it more important than ever that health professionals be clear in their written communications. Grammar and Writing Skills for the Health Professional, 2e applies the fundamentals of English grammar and the writing process to sentence and paragraph structures used in medical reporting, charting and documentation. This book focuses exclusively on the writing concerns of the health care worker and is perfect for you to use in class and as a reference.


  • Comprehensive Reviews at end of each chapter help synthesize the skills you have learned.
  • Medical spelling and abbreviation translation exercises encourage the mastery of medical language.
  • Writing Process chapter in the beginning of the book emphasizes the importance of quality writing. Practice exercises and "Skills Review" in each chapter enable you to check your understanding of chapter concepts.
  • Practice Exercises and Skills Review in each chapter enable you to check your understanding of chapter concepts.

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