Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

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Author: Dr. Donald C. Rizzo
Edition: 002
Product Type: Book w/Multimedia (CD, DVD or Electronic)
ISBN 13: 9781401871888
ISBN 10: 1401871887
Copyright: 2006

Price: $176.95

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Designed for allied health learners with little or no biology knowledge, this full-color book is a comprehensive introduction to anatomy & physiology. It is organized according to body systems, and focuses on the body working together to promote homeostasis. Chapters are self-contained so instructors can teach in any order preferred. Essential laboratory exercises included at the end of chapters provide hands-on lab experience. Key terms with phonetic pronunciations help build vocabulary. Free interactive CD-ROM encourages mastery of content through quizzes, games, and animations.


  • Free interactive CD-ROM encourages mastery of content through several types of activities, games, and animations
  • Health Alert and Common Disease, Disorder, or Condition boxes help learners relate concepts to clinical practice.
  • Concept Maps for body system chapters illustrate the connections between anatomy and physiology of the organs of each body system.
  • Body Systems Working Together to Maintain Homeostasis helps learners see integration of separate systems into one body.
  • New "Career Focus" feature introduces learners to health professions related to the chapter content
  • New "As the Body Ages" feature emphasizes how the physiology of the body changes throughout the aging process

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