Audio Transcription Exercises on CD-ROM for Ireland/Steins's Hillcrest Medical Center: Beginning Medical Transcription

Seventh Edition
Author: Patricia A. Ireland; Carrie Stein
ISBN #: 1435441184
©2011   Publish Date: 05/14/2010
Binding: NB
Publisher: Cengage Learning

Price: $958.00


This CD-ROM is available for institution purchase only with adoption of the text-workbook. Included on this CD-ROM are mp3 formatted dictations that accompany all medical reports discussed in the work-textbook plus 20 additional skill-building dictations. Audio glossaries for the 10 case studies and 25 Quali-Care Clinic reports are also provided. With 21 dictating physicians and a variety of multicultural accents and difficulty levels to choose from, students of any beginning level will gain the knowledge and experience needed to begin their career.

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