Coding Surgical Procedures, Beyond the Basics

First Edition
Author: Gail I. Smith
ISBN #: 1435427785
©2011   Publish Date: 02/19/2010
Binding: SP
Pages: 304
Publisher: Cengage Learning

Price: $109.95

Product Benefits:

  • Integration of clinical explanations and case studies with official CPT coding guidelines to increase coding accuracy.
  • Operative reports and surgical case scenarios provide opportunities to practice code abstraction for both the hospital and physician office settings.
  • Exercises, Chapter Reviews, and partial answer key allow for self-assessment of coding knowledge/skills.
  • Coding Tips provide hints and insights for code selection.
  • Illustrations of anatomy and physiology and procedures.

Table of Contents:

1: Introduction to Surgical Coding.
2: Integumentary System.
3: Musculoskeletal System.
4: Respiratory System.
5: Cardiovascular System.
6: Digestive System.
7: Urinary System.
8: Male Genital System.
9: Female Genital System.
10: Endocrine System.
11: Eye and Ocular Adnexa.
12: Auditory System.

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