Medical Terminology for Insurance and Coding
First EditionAuthor: Marie A. Moisio, MA, RHIAISBN #: 1428304266©2010 Publish Date: 04/08/2009Binding: SPPages: 400Publisher: Cengage Learning
Price: $109.95
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Table of Contents:
Preface.Chapter 1.Foundations of Medical Terminology.Chapter 2.Introduction to ICD-9-CM Coding.Chapter 3.Introduction to Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Coding.Chapter 4.Integumentary System.Chapter 5.Musculoskeletal System.Chapter 6.Cardiovascular System.Chapter 7.Blood and Lymph.Chapter 8.Respiratory System.Chapter 9.Digestive System.Chapter 10. Endocrine System.Chapter 11. Genitourinary System.Chapter 12. Female Reproductive System.Chapter 13. Nervous System.Chapter 14. Infectious and Parasitic Diseases.Chapter 15. Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-defined Conditions.Appendix A. Word Element to Meaning.
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