Using the Electronic Health Record in the Healthcare Provider Practice

First Edition
Author: Shirley Eichenwald Maki; Bonnie Petterson
ISBN #: 1418049883
©2008   Publish Date: 11/08/2007
Binding: PB
Pages: 336
Publisher: Cengage Learning

Price: $174.95


This practical, hands-on book introduces you to the electronic health record (EHR) and shows you how to become proficient in using EHR software on the job. You will gain a thorough understanding of both the terminology of EHR systems and the practical use of such systems in a health care provider office setting. Some of the topics discussed include problem lists, assessments, prescription/medication management, exam notes, and diagnostic orders and results. The MedWare Chart EHR software and activities are similar to what will be encountered in the workplace.

Product Benefits:

  • Focuses on the practical application of EHRs to help you develop the confidence and skills needed to be successful on the job
  • Hands-on exercises utilizing MedWare Chart EHR software provides a complete learning system
  • Separate discussions of each EHR component as its own function
  • Case situations, summaries, and review questions help reinforce the material
  • Key terms, acronym glossary, and margin notes familiarize you with standard terminology and abbreviations associated with EHR
  • An Instructor's Resource CD is available with Instructor's Manual, PowerPoint presentations, and Test Bank

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Electronic Health Records - An Overview
Chapter 2: The EHR Framework in the Healthcare Provider Office
Chapter 3: EHR Content in the Healthcare Provider Office
Chapter 4: Associated Functional and Operational Content
Chapter 5: Patient Scheduling, Registration and Identify Management
Chapter 6: Creation and Maintenance of Problem and Allergy Lists
Chapter 7: The Examination Notes, including Special Assessments
Chapter 8: Treatment Plan and Treatment/Procedure Notes
Chapter 9: Diagnostic test orders and results (laboratory, radiology, etc)
Chapter 10: Medication orders and administration record
Chapter 11: Graphic/charts (vitals, growth, immunization, etc)
Chapter 12: Patient visit management
Chapter 13: Patient communications
Chapter 14: Diagnostic and Procedure coding and billing
Chapter 15: Clinical trials
Chapter 16: Continuing Care and Personal Health Records

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