Medical Billing 101

First Edition
Author: Michelle M. Rimmer
ISBN #: 1418039756
©2008   Publish Date: 07/20/2007
Binding: PB
Pages: 240
Publisher: Cengage Learning

Price: $109.95


Learn the basics of physician-based medical billing with Medical Billing 101. Clear and practical guidelines introduce you to the job responsibilities and basic processes comprising the medical billing world. Case studies and application tools offer you practice on actual forms to build confidence in your new knowledge and skills. This resource starts you off right on your journey to becoming a medical billing professional.

Product Benefits:

  • Includes real-world examples of forms such as EOBs, superbills, and denied claims.
  • Detailed claim filing instructions walk you through the CMS-1500 form field by field.
  • Case studies written for the CMS-1500 form allow you to perform billing for different physician service situations, including office visits and inpatient physician services
  • Free CD-ROM of additional case studies to practice entering billing information directly into the CMS-1500 form.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Your Job as a Physician-Based Medical Biller
Chapter 2: Health Insurance and the ID Card
Chapter 3: The Codes (CPT, HCPCS Level II, ICD-9 and Modifiers)
Chapter 4: The Forms (Patient Registration, Superbill, Hospital Sheet)
Chapter 5: The 'Heart of Medical Billing-the CMS-1500 Form
Chapter 6: Billing for Office Procedures
Chapter 7: Billing for In-Patient and Nursing Facility Services
Chapter 8: Electronic Claims Submission and Clearinghouses
Chapter 9: EOBs and Payments
Chapter 10: Denials and Appeals
Chapter 11: Maintaining Accounts Receivables
Chapter 12: Collections and the State Insurance Commissioner
Chapter 13: Certification for the Physician-Based Medical Biller

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