Description: Unlock a whole new world of knowledge with this comprehensive introduction to medical terminology! Organized by body system and specialty areas of practice, emphasis is placed on anatomy and physiology, pathological conditions, and diagnostic techniques and procedures. The study of word parts, the foundation of medical terminology, is integrated into every chapter, which leads to strong comprehension. Simple-to-complex definitions enhance your ability to read and interpret medical terms in reports and charts. Product Benefits: - Word Building Rules chapter guides the learner through the process of combining word parts to form medical terms
- FREE interactive StudyWARE CD-ROM engages learners with quizzes, 3-D animations, and a variety of games to build knowledge
- Numerous end-of-chapter exercises provide in-depth review of the material
- Medical scenarios encourage learners to synthesize information on pathological conditions and apply that knowledge to situations a health care worker might encounter in clinical practice
- "Do This" and "Say It" segments actively involve the learner in the learning process
- Vocabulary sections facilitate learning term definitions, plus word part breakdowns and definitions
- Access Free Podcasts of audio and video resources to study anywhere, anytime at:
Table of Contents: Word Building Rules Prefixes Suffixes Whole Body Terminology The Integumentary System The Skeletal System Muscles and Joints The Nervous System The Blood and Lymphatic Systems The Cardiovascular System The Respiratory System The Digestive System The Endocrine System The Special Senses The Urinary System The Male Reproductive System The Female Reproductive System Obstetrics Child Health Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Oncology (Cancer Medicine) Pharmacology Mental Health Gerontology Glossary Index |