Workbook for Lindh/Pooler/Tamparo/Dahl's Delmar's Administrative Medical Assisting, 3rd

Third Edition
Author: Wilburta (Billie) Q. Lindh; Marilyn S. Pooler; Carol D. Tamparo; Barbara M. Dahl
ISBN #: 140188136X
©2006   Publish Date: 12/19/2005
Binding: PB
Pages: 480
Publisher: Cengage Learning

Price: $113.95


This Workbook is part of a dynamic learning system that helps reinforce the essential competencies needed for you to become a successful, multiskilled medical assistant. It has been completely revised to challenge you to apply the chapter knowledge from Delmar's Administrative Medical Assisting, Third Edition, while employing critical thinking skills. Delmar is a part of Cengage Learning.

Product Benefits:

  • Includes case studies, self-assessments, and chapter evaluations for critical thinking and reflection
  • Vocabulary Builder activities to apply the key terms from the book in contextual situations
  • Learning review, true/false, matching, and fill-in-the-blank style questions
  • Word searches and crossword puzzles
  • Pre-tests and Post-tests to gauge chapter knowledge
  • Certification-style questions, designed for certification exam practice
  • Fully revised Competency Assessment checklists complement each procedure from the book, and include Performance Objectives, Documentation, Skill Steps, and Evaluation areas
  • Medical Office Simulation Software packaged with the Workbook aligns to specific activities

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