Delmar's Clinical Medical Assisting

Third Edition
Author: Wilburta (Billie) Q. Lindh; Marilyn S. Pooler; Carol D. Tamparo; Barbara M. Dahl
ISBN #: 1401881327
©2006   Publish Date: 12/21/2005
Binding: HB
Pages: 1024
Publisher: Cengage Learning

Price: $219.95


Delmar's Clinical Medical Assisting, Third Edition is part of a dynamic learning system that includes a textbook, workbook, interactive CD-ROM, and instructor support materials. The new edition maps to the latest CAAHEP Standards and Guidelines for Medical Assisting Educational programs and the ABHES Program Requirements and Curriculum. Delmar is a part of Cengage Learning.

This edition provides great opportunities for critical thinking through case studies, scenarios, and features tying to both of Delmar's Medical Assisting DVD series. New features include Spotlight on Certification for CMA, RMA, and CMAS, reflective of the 2005 CMA certification exam outline; HIPAA boxes; ABHES and CAAHEP Featured Competencies; and Critical Thinking question boxes.

Product Benefits:

  • Covers all AAMA required content, including Principles of IV Therapy
  • Over 10 new procedures. All procedures include charting examples and rationales for each procedural step
  • All lab procedures are CLIA-waived, and all equipment and procedural photos show safety needles/lancets in use
  • Coverage of safety needles and lancets, blood chemistry, symptom analysis, and double wrapping
  • New Critical Thinking Challenge software focuses on critical thinking while dealing with on-the-job realities. It measures success and outcomes through the effects on the patient, the practice, and one?s career

Table of Contents:

Section I: General Procedures
Unit 1: Introduction to Medical Assisting and Health Professions
1 Medical Assisting as a Profession
2 Health Care Setting and the Health Care Team
3 History of Medicine, Unit 2 The Therapeutic Approach
4 Therapeutic Communication Skills, 5 Coping Skills for the Medical Assistant
6 The Therapeutic Approach to the Patient with Life-Threatening Illness
Unit 3 Responsible Medical Practice
7 Legal Considerations Legal Concepts
8 Ethical Considerations
9 Emergency Procedures and First Aid
10 Infection Control, Medical Asepsis, and Sterilization
11 Taking a Medical History, the Patient''s Chart, and Methods of Documentation
12 Vital Signs and Measurements
13 The Physical Examination
Unit 4 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
14 Obstetrics and Gynecology
15 Pediatrics
16 Male Reproductive System
17 Gerontology
18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems
Unit 5 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
19 Assisting with Minor Surgery
20 Diagnostic Imaging
21 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Modalities
22 Nutrition in Health and Disease
23 Basic Pharmacology
24 Calculation of Medication Dosage and Medication Administration
25 Electrocardiography
Unit 6 Laboratory Procedures
26 Safety and Regulatory Guidelines in Medical Laboratory
27 Introduction to Medical Laboratory
28 Phlebotomy: Venipuncture and Capillary Puncture
29 Hematology
30 Urinalysis
31 Basic Microbiology
32 Specialty Laboratory
Section II: Professional Procedures
Unit 7 Office and Human Resource Management
33 The Medical Assistant as Office Manager
34 The Medical Assistant as Human Resources Manager
Unit 8 Entry into the Professions
35 Preparing for Medical Assisting Credentials
36 Employment Strategies

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