Ethics of Health Care, A Guide for Clinical Practice

Third Edition
Author: Raymond S. Edge; J. Randall Groves
ISBN #: 1401861830
©2006   Publish Date: 07/08/2005
Binding: PB
Pages: 400
Publisher: Cengage Learning

Price: $149.95


Ethics of Health Care: A Guide for Clinical Practice, 3E is designed to guide health care students and practitioners through a wide variety of areas involving ethical controversies. It provides a background in value development and ethical theories, including numerous real-life examples to stimulate discussion and thought.

Product Benefits:

  • The product is ethics specific allowing a broader study of the possible dilemmas facing the health care worker.
  • Includes case studies, group projects and internet projects that are designed to further enhance the student?s study of ethics.
  • Review questions included that stimulate critical thinking.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Human Value Development, Chapter 2: Decision Making in Value Issues, Chapter 3: Basic Principles of Health Care Ethics,Chapter 4: The Nature of Rights in Ethical Discourse, Chapter 5: Confidentiality and the Management of Health Care Information, Chapter 6: Professional Gatekeeping as a Function of Role Fidelity, Chapter 7: Autonomy vs. Paternalism: A Contest Between Virtues, Chapter 8: Justics and the Allocation of Scarce Resources, Chapter 9: Withholding and Withdrawing Life Support, Chapter 10: Euthanasia: Practice and Principles, Chapter 11: Reproductive Issues, Chapter 12: AIDS and Health Care Practice, Chapter 13: Ethical Issues and Genetic Science, Chapter 14: Transcultural Health

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