Medical Terminology for Health Professions

Fifth Edition
Author: Ann Ehrlich; Carol L. Schroeder
ISBN #: 1401860265
©2005   Publish Date: 08/03/2004
Binding: SP
Pages: 624
Publisher: Cengage Learning

Price: $170.95


A proven and unique combination of learning principles and exercises, this widely respected book continues to get better! Medical Terminology for Health Professions, Fifth Edition, simplifies the process of learning hundreds of difficult, complex medical terms. The see and say pronunciation system makes pronouncing unfamiliar terms easy. Because word parts are such an important aspect of learning medical terminology, mastery of these building blocks is emphasized throughout the book. Organized by body system, chapters begin with an overview of the structures and functions of that system so you can relate these to specialty, pathology, diagnostic, and treatment procedures that follow.

Product Benefits:

  • Learning Exercises in each chapter have been reworked to require short written answers. This change reinforces learning and provides practice in writing and spelling these terms.
  • Free StudyWARE software provides additional practice with interactive quizzes and activities that correlate with each chapter in the book.
  • Word Surgery learning exercises in each chapter help learners master the skill of breaking down complex terms into word parts.
  • Abbreviation tables in each chapter reinforce correct usage.Human Touch: Critical Thinking Exercise scenarios that involve patients and pathology help learners apply chapter materials to the real world.
  • The Comprehensive Medical Terminology Review includes study tips, practice exercises, and a simulated final test to assist learners in preparing for the final examination.
  • Critical Thinking Exercise scenarios that involve patients and pathology help learners apply chapter materials to the real world.
  • Access Free Podcasts of audio and video resources to study anywhere, anytime at:

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1 Introduction to Medical Terminology. Chapter 2 The Human Body in Health and Disease. Chapter 3 The Skeletal System. Chapter 4 The Muscular System. Chapter 5 The Cardiovascular System. Chapter 6 The Lymphatic and Immune Systems. Chapter 7 The Respiratory System. Chapter 8 The Digestive System. Chapter 9 The Urinary System. Chapter 10: The Nervous System. Chapter 11 Special Senses: The Eyes and Ears. Chapter 12 Skin The Integumentary System. Chapter 13 The Endocrine System. Chapter 14 The Reproductive Systems. Chapter 15 Diagnostic Procedures and Pharmacology. Comprehensive Medical Terminology Review. Appendix A: Prefixes, Word Roots (Combining Forms), and Suffixes. Appendix B: Abbreviations and Meanings. Appendix C: Glossary of Pathology, Diagnostic and Treatment Procedures. Index. Flash Cards

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