Study Guide for Daniels/Nosek/Nicoll's Contemporary Medical-Surgical Nursing

First Edition
Author: Rick Daniels; Laura Nosek; Leslie H. Nicoll
ISBN #: 1401837239
©2007   Publish Date: 12/12/2006
Binding: PB
Pages: 160
Publisher: Cengage Learning

Price: $79.95


Study more effectively and improve your performance at exam time with this comprehensive guide. Written to work hand-in hand with CONTEMPORARY MEDICAL-SURGICAL NURSING, 1st Edition, this user-friendly guide includes a wide variety of learning tools to help you master the key concepts of the course.

Product Benefits:

  • Prioritization, fill-in-the-blank, multiple response, and multiple choice questions mimic the style seen on the NCLEX-RN® exam
  • Questions build on key concepts presented in the core text on a chapter-by-chapter basis, making it easy to refer back to the information
  • Varying levels of difficulty are included for self-adaptive learning and review

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