Clinical Companion for Daniels/Nosek/Nicoll's Contemporary Medical-Surgical Nursing

First Edition
Author: Rick Daniels; Laura Nosek; Leslie H. Nicoll
ISBN #: 1401837212
©2007   Publish Date: 12/06/2006
Binding: PB
Pages: 464
Publisher: Cengage Learning

Price: $108.95


The Clinical Companion to Accompany Contemporary Medical-Surgical Nursing is a practical and convenient manual presented in a concise and alphabetical format for quick clinical reference. Designed for portability, this resource provides nurses fast answers to the questions: What is the condition? What should I look for? What should I do?
Approximately 200 common diseases, disorders, acute care procedures, and treatments are covered in an easy to follow format.

Product Benefits:

  • Key assessments, nursing diagnoses, and points for planning and implementing care are presented in a tabular format for quick retrieval and ease of comprehension
  • Discharge planning is included for illnesses requiring a continuum of care
  • Special concerns section contains vital information pertinent and adaptable to different client populations and situations

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