MindTap Medical Assisting, 2 terms (12 months) Printed Access Card for Lindh/Tamparo/Dahl/Morris/Correa's Comprehensive Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Competencies, 6th

Sixth Edition
Author: Wilburta (Billie) Q. Lindh; Carol D. Tamparo; Barbara M. Dahl; Julie Morris; Cindy Correa
ISBN #: 130596490X
©2018   Publish Date: 03/08/2017
Binding: NB
Publisher: Cengage Learning

Price: $90.00


It's 1 AM, there are 20 tabs open on your computer, you lost your flashcards for the test, and you're so tired you can't even read. It'd be nice if someone came up with a more efficient way of studying. Luckily, someone did. With a single login for MindTap Medical Assisting for Lindh/Tamparo/Dahl/Morris/Correa's Comprehensive Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Competencies, 6e you can connect with your instructor, organize coursework, and have access to a range of study tools, including e-book and apps all in one place!
Manage your time and workload without the hassle of heavy books! The MindTap Reader keeps all your notes together, lets you print the material, and will even read text out loud.
Need extra practice? Find pre-populated flashcards and the entire eBook in the MindTap Mobile App, as well as quizzes and important course alerts.
Want to know where you stand? Use the Progress app to track your performance in relation to other students.

Product Benefits:

  • MindTap helps streamline your workflow with carefully curated content and a unique set of tools saving you valuable time in your course preparations. In addition, automatically grades assignments and quizzes while also providing students with instant feedback on their work.
  • Provide students with organizational and study tools designed to better manage their limited time, allowing them to complete assignments whenever and wherever they are ready to learn.
  • Save students money in their course materials with a single destination that reflects exactly what's important to you, the instructor.
  • Track students in real time with the Progress app adjust the course as needed based analytics of interactivity in the course.
  • With the MindTap Mobile App, you can keep your students informed of assignments, course due dates, or any changes to your course while also arming them with on-the-go study tools like flashcards and quizzing.
  • Build and personalize your course by integrating your own content into the MindTap Reader using your own documents or pull from sources like RSS feeds, YouTube videos, websites, Google Docs and more. Control what content students see and when they see it with a learning path that can be used as-is, with relevant readings, videos, case studies, quizzes, and interactive simulations, or matched to your syllabus exactly.
  • Empower students with the information to know where they stand at all times--both individually and compared to the highest performers in class within the student view of the Progress App.
  • Engage students with course material specially customized for them by you streamlined in one proven, easy-to-use interface.
  • StudyHub is one-stop-studying tool that allows you to deliver important information and empowers your students to personalize their experience. Share content from the MindTap Reader and create notes and study guides to help students focus and succeed.
  • The Message Center app helps you to quickly and easily contact students directly from the MindTap platform. Any message posted in the Message Center is communicated directly to each student enrolled in the course via the communication medium designated by the student.

Table of Contents:


Reality Check. Polling activity that can be completed individually or in class to get students engaged in the chapter material and to encourage them to think critically about it.

eBook for Comprehensive Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Competencies, Sixth Edition. The acclaimed MindTap Reader boasts a multimedia rich experience with tagged note-taking, highlighting and bookmarking for easy study guide creation.

Quick Check Quiz. This quiz at the end of each reading section tests the student's comprehension of the chapter material.

Certification Review. This 10-question quiz reviews chapter content, with all questions written in certification exam style.

Study Tools. These tools, including PowerPoint slides, image flash cards, and crossword puzzles, allow students to review and apply chapter concepts.

Procedure Checklists. Step-by-step, interactive checklists that evaluate student performance on chapter procedures.

Apply Yourself. These activities are comprised of interactive digital simulations such as learning labs and Critical Thinking Challenge 3.0 that encourage students to think critically about chapter material and apply concepts in a simulated real-world environment.

Test Yourself. 20 question final chapter quiz. Students will know with certainty their level of competency for every chapter which will improve course outcomes.

Reflection Activity. Students will also be asked to consider a concluding case study that requires them to think critically about the chapter material and apply it to a real-world scenario.

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