Description: MEDICAL ASSISTING EXAM REVIEW ONLINE (MAERO) 2.0 helps you improve your scores while lowering test-taking stress. Mapped against current certification standards from the AAMA, AMT, and NCCT, MAERO 2.0 features a database of more than 2,000 questions that you can select using criteria from the core curriculum for medical assistants. MAERO 2.0 enables a highly personalized learning experience, letting you track your progress, target specific subject areas for reinforcement, create customized content-area exams for practice, and sit for "mock exams" with time limits that mirror real-world testing environments. Question and answer choice randomization means you can revisit material as much as needed, while rationales for incorrect responses enhance learning and deepen understanding. Whether you are preparing for the CMA, RMA, CMAS, or NCMA exam, MAERO 2.0 delivers cutting-edge test preparation for certification and career success. Product Benefits: - MAERO 2.0 has been reconfigured to deliver an optimal mobile experience on smartphones and tablets, enabling students to study whenever and wherever they like, using the devices they prefer.
- New randomization features for questions and answers significantly increase the number of unique test opportunities, allowing for repeated reinforcement of material as often as needed.
- In addition to providing a database of more than 2,000 questions based on the core curriculum for medical assistants, MAERO 2.0 allows instructors to create and post their own questions, allowing for easy integration of additional topics or greater depth and detail.
- MAERO 2.0 features a significant expansion of coverage, with questions aligned to the NCMA exam In addition to the CMA, RMA, and CMAS exams.
- Instructors can now create assignable practice tests and mock exams for students, with customization by subject area to emphasize areas in need of remediation.
- This robust resource is completely online, enabling access for administrators, instructors, and students practically anytime and anywhere.
- With a sophisticated database of more than 2,000 questions, MAERO 2.0 features wide-ranging coverage based on the core curriculum for medical assistants and mapped to certification standards from the AAMA, AMT, and NCCT.
- Rationales for incorrect responses enhance the learning experience, allowing students not only to identify their errors, but also to understand why their answers were incorrect.
- Integrated analytics and tracking features make it easy for administrators and faculty to monitor progress and assess individual and group performance.
Table of Contents: 1. Certified Medical Assistant (CMA [AAMA]). 2. Registered Medical Assistant (RMA [AMT]). 3. Certified Medical Administrative Specialist (CMAS [AMT]). 4. National Certified Medical Assistant (NCMA [NCCT]). |