Delmar's Administrative Medical Assisting (Book Only)

Fifth Edition
Author: Wilburta (Billie) Q. Lindh; Marilyn Pooler; Carol D. Tamparo; Barbara M. Dahl; Julie Morris
ISBN #: 1133602916
©2014   Publish Date: 08/13/2013
Binding: HB
Pages: 688
Publisher: Cengage Learning

Price: $109.95


In today's dynamic health care environment, medical assistants are playing an increasingly important role. DELMAR'S ADMINISTRATIVE MEDICAL ASSISTING, Fifth Edition, helps you gain the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in this rewarding, rapidly growing field. Known for its thorough coverage, extensive technical detail, and accurate, up-to-date content, this proven book covers clinical tasks such as taking patients' medical histories, recording vital signs, explaining procedures, and assisting care providers during exams, as well as administrative duties including managing patient information, electronic medical records (EMR), insurance documentation, billing, and bookkeeping. In addition, chapter material and learning objectives are clearly mapped to ABHES, CAAHEP, and MAERB competencies, with an increased focus on professionalism and personal effectiveness, to help you hone practical, real-world skills and prepare for certification. The guide also supports effective learning with a variety of online resources to help you make the most of your study time, including interactive quizzes for self-assessment and the popular Critical Thinking Challenge application.

Product Benefits:

  • Extensive updates throughout the text reflect the latest trends and issues (such as the Meaningful Use Initiative), industry best practices, and current technology (including smartphones, social media, and electronic medical records), giving students an accurate, up-to-date understanding of this dynamic field.
  • New material to open each chapter includes content and visuals related to professionalism and its five attributes, practical application questions, objectives based on MAERB/CAAHEP/ABHES competencies, and relevant digital terminology, all designed to provide a strong practical focus right from the start.
  • Throughout each chapter, special icons highlight StudyWARE options and hands-on procedures, which also feature expanded content on professionalism and a new checklist to aid in evaluating student progress.
  • An enhanced Study for Success feature includes more opportunities to integrate ancillary resources, while Certification Review questions in each chapter present course material in a certification testing format to prepare students for exam success.
  • A revised instructor's manual for the Fifth Edition features exercises linked to chapter content and learning activities tailored to diverse learning styles, while a robust study guide includes expanded critical thinking and problem solving exercises, and the competency manual offers step-by-step checklists for procedures.
  • Special icons integrated within each chapter draw students' attention to information on important topics such as electronic medical records (EMR) and total practice management systems (TPMS).
  • Hundreds of full-color photos and detailed diagrams help bring chapter material to life by illustrating key procedures and showcasing current equipment, making it easier for students to hone essential skills and gain familiarity with the tools of their new trade.
  • An extensive glossary provides definitions of key medical and industry terms in both English and Spanish, providing a convenient reference to help students master the many acronyms and unique terminology of the health care field.
  • This comprehensive text provides unmatched, up-to-date coverage of both clinical and administrative skills, offering everything students need to prepare for a successful career in one of today's most rewarding and high-demand fields.
  • Chapter material and learning objectives throughout the text are mapped to key ABHES, CAAHEP, and MAERB competencies, allowing students to prepare more effectively for certification exams and understand how course material applies to their future roles as working professionals.

Table of Contents:

Unit 1: Introduction to Medical Assisting and Health Professions.
1. The Medical Assisting Profession.
2. Health Care Settings and the Health Care Team.
3. History of Medicine.
Unit 2: The Therapeutic Approach.
4. Coping Skills for the Medical Assistant.
5. Therapeutic Communication Skills.
6. The Therapeutic Approach to the Patient with a Life-Threatening Illness.
Unit 3: Responsible Medical Practice.
7. Legal Considerations.
8. Ethical Considerations.
9. Emergency Procedures and First Aid.
Unit 4. Integrated Administrative Procedures.
10. Creating the Facility Environment.
11. Computers in the Ambulatory Care Setting.
12. Telecommunications.
13. Patient Scheduling.
14. Medical Records Management.
15. Written Communications.
16. Medical.
Unit 5: Managing Facility Finances.
17. Medical Insurance.
18. Medical Insurance Coding.
19. Daily Financial Practices.
20. Billing and Collections.
21. Accounting Practices.
Unit 6: Office and Human Resources Management.
22. The Medical Assistant as Office Manager.
23. The Medical Assistant as Human Resources Manager.
Unit 7: Entry into the Profession.
24. Preparing for Medical Assisting Credentials.
25. Employment Strategies.
Appendix A: Common Medical Abbreviations and Symbols.
Appendix B: Top 50 Brand Drugs for 2007 by Number of U.S. Prescriptions Dispensed.
Appendix C: Occupational Analysis of the CMA (AAMA).
Appendix D: Medical Assisting Task List.
Appendix E: Software Support: The Critical Thinking Challenge and Medical Office.
Simulation Software.
Glossary of Terms.
Glosario de Términos.

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