Medical Terminology for Health Professions (with Studyware CD-ROM)

Seventh Edition
Author: Ann Ehrlich; Carol L. Schroeder
ISBN #: 1111543275
©2013   Publish Date: 03/05/2012
Binding: SP
Pages: 672
Publisher: Cengage Learning

Price: $124.95


Use a proven combination of learning principles and exercises to make learning medical terminology easier . Now in its 7th Edition, MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONS simplifies the process of memorizing complex medical terminology by focusing on the important word parts –- the common prefixes, suffixes and root words -- to provide a foundation for learning hundreds of medical terms. Organized by body systems, the chapters begin with an overview of the terminology related to the body's structures and functions, then proceed through diseases and disorders, and finally diagnostic procedures and treatments. This helps students master the necessary language to describe how the human body works, what goes wrong with it, and how we treat it. Every chapter engages learners with the See and Say pronunciation system, interactive exercises, real life medical scenarios and critical thinking exercises. An updated art program includes illustrations that reflect the latest terms and procedures, and multi-cultural /multi-generational photos that accurately portray today's medical world.
Built-in multimedia is included with the text on the StudyWare CD-ROM. This resource is packed full of activities that engage student with games, quizzes, animations, and an audio glossary –ultimately helping students study , prepare for exams, and achieve success . Optional workbook and online courseware is also available.

Product Benefits:

  • A new section on complimentary and alternative therapies reflects the changing role of holistic health care in our society.
  • Real-Life Records: Inspired by instructor feedback, new SOAP notes have been added to each chapter, along with a list of appropriate questions for instructor use.
  • Convenient References: In addition to the Word Parts and Abbreviations appendices, the Glossary of Pathology and Procedures has been reinstated to the 7th Edition, while a new online Spanish-English glossary supports the text's multicultural perspectives.
  • Realistic New Artwork: More than 200 new pieces of print art and Illustrations reflect the latest terms and procedures, including new multi-cultural and multi-generational photos, for an accurate portrayal of today's medical world.
  • Compatible Software: The accompanying StudyWare™ CD-Rom, complete with professionally recorded vocabulary lists and definitions, is now both PC and Mac compatible,and available online--making access to this indispensible tool easy and hassle-free!
  • Updated Terms: extensively revised to bring all terms, definitions, procedures, illustrations, and data current, while a new section on Alternative Therapies helps readers understand the changing role of holistic healthcare in society.
  • Accompanying StudyWARETM CD-ROM offers additional practice through interactive quizzes and fun activities such as Spelling Bee that correlate with each chapter in the book. Also available online.
  • Removable Flashcards test memory and increase knowledge.
  • The Comprehensive Medical Terminology Review includes study tips, practice exercises, and a simulated final test to help learners prepare for the final examination.
  • Additional tools included to support instructors teaching a simplified syllabus.

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction to Medical Terminology.
2. The Human Body in Health and Disease.
Word Part Review.
3. The Skeletal System.
4. The Muscular System.
5. The Cardiovascular System.
6. The Lymphatic and Immune Systems.
7. The Respiratory System.
8. The Digestive System.
9. The Urinary System.
10. The Nervous System.
11. Special Senses: The Eyes and Ears.
12. Skin: The Integumentary System.
13. The Endocrine System.
14. The Reproductive Systems.
15. Diagnostic Procedures, Nuclear Medicine, and Pharmacology.
Comprehensive Medical Terminology Review.
Appendix A: Word Parts.
Appendix B: Abbreviations.
Appendix C: Glossary of Pathology and Procedures.
Flash Cards.

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