Description: A comprehensive, yet reader-friendly source of information about modern heat pump technology, as well as the vapor-compression refrigeration system on which it is based, Heat Pumps is the perfect choice for future service technicians. The book begins by introducing the four major components that make up the vapor-compression system: compressor, condenser, metering device, and evaporator. Other system-level components essential to efficient heat pump operation are also addressed, including: cooling towers, pressure controls, safety devices, and thermostats. Subsequent chapters enable readers equipped with a basic understanding of how heat pumps operate to launch directly into detailed examination of the electrical circuits of the vapor-compression refrigeration system as well as the operation of individual system components. In addition to gaining exposure to different heat pump system configurations (including the increasingly popular geothermal system), dedicated troubleshooting chapters provide abundant opportunities to gain practice in applying the seven steps required for successful completion of every service call. Ample pedagogy plus real-life and simplified examples appear throughout the book, maximizing learning and minimizing the frustration often associated with the study of such a highly-technical, complex topic. Product Benefits: - each system component is treated separately, allowing readers to concentrate fully on a single component before attempting to assemble all of the pieces of the heat pump puzzle
- more than thirty sample service calls based on actual scenarios encountered by field technicians provide practice in troubleshooting and identifying causes of system failure
- over fifty "For Discussion" topics are included to excite and challenge readers while providing instructors with opportunities to encourage thought-provoking in-class debate
- cutaway views of devices enhance learning by enabling readers to see inside the system as they explore the operation and function of each of its components in detail
- an entire chapter aids readers in developing the ability to read and interpret electrical schematic and ladder diagrams, a skill required of all successful technicians
- Objectives and a brief introduction, plus an overview of the concepts to be presented in each chapter, serve as a guide, enabling readers to zero in on must-know information
- chapter-end summaries, plus 300 chapter-end review questions, underscore key points while providing an effective means for readers to gauge their understanding
- an extensive glossary is also included to aid readers who may be new to the field in mastering the use of key technical and industry terms
Table of Contents: Chapter 1 - Vapor-compression Refrigeration System Components. Chapter 2 - Vapor-compression Refrigeration System Accessories and Controls. Chapter 3 - Mechanical Troubleshooting of Vapor-compression Refrigeration Sytems. Chapter 4 - Electric Motors and Starting Components. Chapter 5 - Electrical Wiring Diagrams. Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting Vapor Compression Refrigeration System Electrical Components. Chapter 7 - Servicing Vapor Compression Refrigeration Systems. Chapter 8 - Vapor Compression Heat Pump Components and Accessories. Chapter 9 - Troubleshooting Vapor Compression Heat Pump Systems. Chapter 10 - Wiring Diagrams - Vapor Compression Heat Pump Systems. Chapter 11 - Troubleshooting Basic Vapor Compression Heat Pump Control Circuits and Components. Chapter 12 - Servicing Vapor Compression Heat Pump Controls and Control Circuits. Chapter 13 - Vapor Compression Heat Pump Refrigeration Circuits. Chapter 14 - Geothermal Heat Pumps. Chapter 15 - Troubleshooting Geothermal Heat Pumps. Chapter 16 - Servicing Geothermal Heat Pumps. Chapter 17 - Air-to-Air Heat Pump System Installation. Chapter 18 - System Preventative Maintenance. Chapter 19 - Heat Pump System Service Calls. Glossary |