Practical Legal Writing for Legal Assistants

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Author: Celia Elwell; Robert Barr Smith, J.D.
Edition: 001
Product Type: Bound Book
ISBN 13: 9780314061157
ISBN 10: 0314061150
Copyright: 1996

Price: $199.95

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  • Provides a straightforward, down-to-earth presentation of legal writing concepts. The text is non-intimidating and the frequent examples and assignments build students confidence as the assignments increase in difficulty.
  • Unique Fact Scenario presents a case in Chapter 1 that is then used throughout the text, in the exercises, and in the appendix. Students can follow a civil lawsuit from beginning to pretrial which gives the chapter concepts a context for application and understanding.
  • Practice Tips offer brief, helpful on-the-job tips such as common pitfalls to avoid, shortcuts, and time-savers in legal writing. They range from four secrets to good writing in Chapter 3 to the importance and purpose of follow-up letters in Chapter 5.
  • Exhibits provide frequent samples of legal writing that illustrate chapter subjects and serve as references for assignments: Example of a long-winded legal letter and a revised concise letter (Ch. 3); examples of internal memorandums and scheduling a deposition (Ch. 5); good and bad examples of case briefs (Ch. 8).
  • Key Terms are emphasized in boldface with definitions located in the margin. Terms are also listed at the end of each chapter. A glossary at the end of the text also defines all key terms.
  • Extensive exercises at the end of each chapter provide self-tests and writing assignments to allow students to practice with chapter material. (Cases to be used for analysis and writing assignments are included in an appendix.) Self-tests check understanding of concepts and terms. Assignments ask students to edit and revise writing samples, analyze case problems, draft legal correspondence and bri
  • UNIQUE! ~ Appendices provide excellent references and examples such as a sample legal memorandum, sample case brief, sample trial brief, Which Preposition?, Commonly Misspelled Words, and Verbose or Stuffy Words. Also, a Brief Cheat Sheet gives examples of brief cover sheets, tables of contents, and tables of authorities.

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