Keyboarding Course, Lesson 1-25 with Keyboarding Pro 6: College Keyboarding

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Author: Susie H. Vanhuss; Connie M. Forde; Donna L. Woo
Edition: 018
Product Type: Book w/Multimedia (CD, DVD or Electronic)
ISBN 13: 9781111426460
ISBN 10: 1111426465
Copyright: 2011

Price: $112.95

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The Eighteenth Edition of KEYBOARDING COURSE, LESSONS 1-25 is packaged with the market-leading KEYBOARDING PRO 6 software to help readers develop fundamental skills by mastering the alphabetic keyboard, top-row numbers, symbols, and the numeric keypad. South-Western College Keyboarding offers a proven, time-tested approach that enables readers to develop a strong foundation in basic keyboarding. Each lesson is clearly focused, well structured, and designed to provide step-by-step training and reinforcement to allow readers to quickly build their skills and confidence.


  • The Eighteenth Edition reflects the features and functionality of the new KEYBOARDING PRO 6 software, which uses graphics, games, progress graphs, videos, 3-D models, sound effects, and a Microsoft® word processor to keep learning meaningful and fun for students.
  • The South-Western College Keyboarding series features a complete set of textbooks and software to support all courses, making it easy to choose compatible components for every course structure and schedule—and across the entire keyboarding and word processing curriculum.
  • Correct keyboarding skills are emphasized with pictures and standard highlighted directions, making it easier for students to understand and acquire the fundamentals necessary for success.
  • Technique Tips provide useful hints to help students increase their keying proficiency and continue to improve their basic keyboarding skills throughout the course.
  • Supplemental drills and timd writings give students extra practice to strengthen important skills using the KEYBOARDING PRO 6.
  • Communication activities reinforce essential business communication skills students are likely to find useful in a professional setting, including proofreading and number expression.

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