Math for Health Care Professionals

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Author: Michael Kennamer
Edition: 001
Product Type: Bound Book
ISBN 13: 9781401858032
ISBN 10: 1401858031
Copyright: 2005

Price: $99.95

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Math for Health Care Professionals is a comprehensive, foundational resource that is equally effective in the classroom or for self-study. It assumes no prior knowledge of mathematics or health care but merges the two topics into the capstone of a complete learning package, including a student workbook. While the fundamentals of mathematics are a foundation to this book, their application to health care is emphasized. Drug dosages, intake and output, weights and measures, temperatures, IV drip rates, and conversions are a focus, and illustrations of syringes, prescriptions, medication labels, IV bags, and I and O charts allow the reader to practice real-life health care skills requiring mathematics.


  • Pre-tests begin each chapter that allow assessment of prior knowledge enabling reader to target specific areas of study
  • Skill Sharpener exercises appear after each section so the user can test their abilities prior to moving on to the next section
  • Math in the Real World -- In their own words, health care professionals relate to students, the importance of math in health care professions
  • Post-Tests at the end of each chapter allow the user to check comprehension of chapter material
  • Clearly-stated objectives -- Each chapter includes a listing of objectives. Each objective is then listed as a primary heading with an explanation of each immediately following.
  • Health care applications -- While the fundamentals of mathematics are foundational to this book, their application to health care is emphasized. Drug dosages, intake and output, weights and measures, temperatures, IV drip rates, and conversions are emphasized and illustrations of syringes, prescriptions, medication labels, IV bags, and I and O charts allow the student to practice real-life health care skills requiring mathematics.
  • Complete learning package -- This book serves as the foundation of a complete mathematics learning package for health care learners. Other components of the system include a quick review manual, a student workbook, and an instructor manual.

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