Math for Health Care Professionals

First Edition
Author: Trisha Kennamer
ISBN #: 1401891799
©2005   Publish Date: 08/18/2004
Binding: PB
Pages: 160
Publisher: Cengage Learning

Price: $89.95


This workbook provides over 2700 math questions for practice and mastery of the each of the objectives included in Math for Health Care Professionals and Math for Health Care Professionals Quick Review. The use of this workbook to enhance understanding of math concepts also helps the learner become more confident in his or her knowledge and skills. The workbook may be used by anyone wishing to sharpen their math skills.

Product Benefits:

  • Built upon the objectives of Math for Health Care Professionals and Math for Health Care Professionals Quick Review, so the learner can work through a chapter and then go to the workbook for more practice.
  • Topics include fractions, decimals, ratio and proportions, percents, conversions, dosage calculations, weights and measures, and measuring intake and output.
  • Workbook includes word problems that promote critical thinking.

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