Math for Health Care Professionals Quick Review

First Edition
Author: Michael Kennamer
ISBN #: 1401880053
©2005   Publish Date: 07/21/2004
Binding: PB
Pages: 192
Publisher: Cengage Learning

Price: $99.95


Math for Health Care Professionals Quick Review is perfect for the learner who needs a refresher on math concepts pertaining to health care. A quick review of concepts is included in each chapter and then there are numerous practice problems for the learner to solve and get reacquainted with the various math concepts. While the fundamentals of mathematics are foundational to this book, their application to health care is emphasized. Drug dosages, intake and output, weights and measures, temperatures, IV drip rates, and conversions are a focus. Illustrations of syringes, prescriptions, medication labels, IV bags, and I and O charts allow the reader to practice real-life health care skills requiring mathematics.

Product Benefits:

  • Skill Sharpener exercises appear throughout the chapters enabling the learner to check comprehension of each learning objective
  • Post-tests end every chapter so that the reader can check comprehension before moving onto new chapter
  • Actual drug labels are used throughout to familiarize the student with what they actually will see at work
  • Syringes are drawn to actual size so the student can recognize the different types of syringes

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