Electrical Grounding and Bonding, Based on the 2005 National Electric Code

First Edition
Author: Phil Simmons
ISBN #: 1401859380
©2005   Publish Date: 12/28/2004
Binding: PB
Pages: 320
Publisher: Cengage Learning

Price: $99.95


Written in accordance with the 2005 National Electrical Code®, this new book provides readers with a comprehensive introduction to the essential elements of electrical grounding and bonding. It examines the critical concepts of calculating conductor sizes, reading and interpreting NEC® tables, the use of grounded conductor connections in DC and AC systems, as well as various installations and sizing. Material is reader-friendly and is accompanied by straightforward, easy-to-understand explanations of key concepts that foster understanding. A functional use of color and dynamic illustrations augments the book and further supports this thorough student- and professional-level approach to electrical grounding.

Product Benefits:

  • clear and specific explanations show readers how to calculate a conductor size, as well as how to read and interpret NEC tables
  • important features such as objectives at the beginning of each chapter and review questions at the end reinforce key concepts and principles
  • attention-grabbing four-color artwork engages readers in the material, facilitating learning

Table of Contents:

Introduction.Definitions.Electrical Theory.Effects of Electric Shock.250.3 Application of Other Articles.250.4 General Requirements for Grounding and Bonding.250.6 Objectionable Current over Grounding Conductors.250.8 Connection of Grounding and Bonding Equipment.250.10 Protection of Ground Clamps and Fittings.250.12 Clean Surfaces.250.20 Alternating-Current Circuits and Systems to Be Grounded.250.21 Alternating-Current Systems of 50 Volts to 1000 Volts Not Required to Be Grounded.250.22 Circuits Not to Be Grounded.250.24 Grounding Service-Supplied Alternating-Current Systems.250.26 Conductor to Be Grounded — Alternating-Current Systems.250.28 Main Bonding Jumper and System Bonding Jumper.250.30 Grounding Separately Derived Alternating-Current Systems.250.32 Buildings or Structures Supplied by Feeder(s) or Branch Circuit(s).250.34 Portable and Vehicle-Mounted Generators.250.36 High-Impedance Grounded Neutral Systems.250.50 Grounding Electrode System.250.52 Grounding Electrodes.250.53 Grounding Electrode System Installation.250.54 Supplementary Grounding Electrodes.250.56 Resistance of Rod, Pipe, and Plate Electrodes.250.58 Common Grounding Electrode.250.62 Grounding Electrode Conductor Material.250.64 Grounding Electrode Conductor Installation.250.66 Size of Alternating-Current Grounding Electrode Conductor.Table 250.66 Grounding Electrode Conductor for Alternating-Current Systems.250.68 Grounding Electrode Conductor and Bonding Jumper Connection to Grounding Electrodes.250.70 Methods of Grounding and Bonding Conductor Connection to Electrodes.250.80 Grounding Service Raceways and Enclosures.250.86 Grounding Other Conductor Enclosures and Raceways.250.90 Bonding, General.250.92 Bonding, Services.250.94 Bonding for Other Systems.250.96 Bonding Other Enclosures.250.97 Bonding for Over 250 Volts.250.98 Bonding Loosely Jointed Metal Raceways.250.100 Bonding in Hazardous (Classified) Locations.250.102 Equipment Bonding Jumpers.250.104 Bonding of Piping Systems and Exposed Structural Steel.250.110 Equipment Fastened in Place or Connected by Permanent Wiring Methods (Fixed).250.112 Fastened in Place or Connected by Permanent Wiring Methods (Fixed) — Specific.250.114 Equipment Connected by Cord and Plug.250.118 Types of Equipment Grounding Conductors.250.119 Identification of Equipment Grounding Conductors.250.120 Equipment Grounding Conductor Installation.250.122 Size of Equipment Grounding Conductors.Table 250.122 Minimum Size Equipment Grounding Conductors for Grounding Raceway and Equipment250.124 Equipment Grounding Conductor Continuity.250.126 Identification of Wiring Device Terminals.250.130 Equipment Grounding Conductor Connections.250.134 Equipment Fastened in Place or Connected by Permanent Wiring Methods (Fixed) — Grounding.250.140 Frames of Ranges and Clothes Dryers.250.142 Use of Grounded Circuit Conductor for Grounding Equipment.250.146 Connecting Receptacle Grounding Terminal to Box.250.147 Bonding of General-Use Snap Switches.250.148 ...

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