Interpreting the National Electrical Code, Based on the 2005 National Electric Code

Seventh Edition
Author: Truman Surbrook; Jonathan Althouse
ISBN #: 1401852130
©2005   Publish Date: 12/16/2004
Binding: PB
Pages: 560
Publisher: Cengage Learning

Price: $129.95


Extraordinarily comprehensive, this book is completely updated to the 2005 National Electrical Code® and continues to offer valuable insight into the Code® articles. Explanations are provided for each article in detail, with thorough discussions and practical examples that clearly illustrate how the Code® and its most recent changes are applied. Discussions are logically organized into coherent subject groupings, allowing readers to navigate easily through 2005 NEC® requirements as well as changes since the last edition. Through this approach, the book also integrates essential information into the 7th Edition that is not directly addressed in the NEC but is extremely useful to electricians.

Product Benefits:

  • promotes an understanding of how the Code® is interpreted and applied in specific field situations
  • a section outlining changes from the last edition of the NEC® speeds understanding of the new requirements, eliminating the need for a separate reference on Code® changes
  • sample Code® calculations have been taken from actual field applications, increasing their relevance to professional apprentices, electricians, and inspectors alike

Table of Contents:

General Wiring and Fundamentals.Wire, Raceway, and Box Sizing.Outlets, Lighting, Appliances, and Heating.Services and Feeder Calculations.Grounding and Bonding.Overcurrent Protection.Motor-Circuit Wiring.Transformers.Hazardous Location Wiring.Health Care Facilities.Emergency and Alternate Power Systems.Industrial Electrical Applications.Commercial Wiring Applications.Special Applications Wiring.

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