Workbook for Gartee's Medical Manager Version 10.0

First Edition
Author: Richard Gartee
ISBN #: 1401825753
©2004   Publish Date: 10/29/2003
Binding: PB
Pages: 192
Publisher: Cengage Learning

Price: $86.95


This workbook accompanies the most widely used medical office software, The Medical Manager Student Edition, Version 10. Organized in units that follow the organization of the Student Edition, this workbook provides key exercises and the additional assignments needed to gain confidence and proficiency in the use of The Medical Manager Software, Version 10. All of the exercises are designed with a brief explanation of the tasks, goals, and relevant questions to consider before entering data. Comprehensive exercises are found in Unit 8 that assist in further enhancing the learner's skill level.

Product Benefits:

  • All exercises are focused on specific tasks and are clearly identified in the Table of Contents
  • A data disk is provided in the back of the workbook that contains all of the necessary data students will need to complete the exercises
  • A learner can focus on specific units or exercises without having to first complete the preceding activities.

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